Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trying my hand at this blogging thing...

Well, I'm a little late to jump on the bandwagon, but I always have been a little slow to accepting change. However, now that I've spent so much time reading and keeping up with friends, I realized that just maybe my friends and family would want to enertain themselves with our little goings-on in the Guris household. At first I thought, do we have anything exciting enough going on in our lives to maintain a blog? And my immediate answer was, No! But then I thought more about that sad reflection of our life, and realized that we do, in fact, have somewhat fun, if not funny, lives to share. The coolest thing we do activities-wise would be triathlons. But of course, we are in off season now - so nothing new to report there. We will be completing our first full marathon next March, so I'll definitely track our attempts at keeping to a training schedule for that. I guess the latest things we have going on are my preparations at hosting my first Thanksgiving family meal. I have a lot of cook books and cooking utensils, but very little cooking experience or talent - so wish me luck. I'll be sure to post more soon - this was pretty fun so far :)

1 comment:

mawsie said...

Just found this site and loved it. Great work Kelly.